Wednesday, September 21, 2005

quiet days in singapore

here i am in singapore now and it's really nice. i stay in a backpackers
dorm with several other people just traveling around. ken was around just on
monday when we went out for dinner in chinatown. i wasn't hungry at all but
he ordered four different meals that i had to try. then the other day i hang
out with daniel eating indian food with my fingers - he's from australia;
should have arrived in switzerland by now. daniel is going for the
october-festival - oh my god :) - yesterday evening we went to chinatown
again to eat - but then at 2pm when i went to bed i really got bad - i puked
and diarrhea was it's likely partner. so i keep it quiet for today again and
haven't seen anything than chinatown and little india until now.


4 write:

At 21 September, 2005 15:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tobias,

Take good care of yourself. I haven't any time to call you until a few minute ago. Unfortunately, I couldn't catch hold of you as you were out having fun. Anyways, enjoy yourself.

I've been tied down my work comittments for the past three days. Give me a call if you have got a free moment and see I got any free time to show you around, perhaps in the evening.

Best wishes

At 23 September, 2005 19:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, Tobias!

Schön, auf diesem Wege von dir zu hören.

Also, die Klimaanlagen in Thailand haben mich damals auch irre gemacht. Als ich wieder zu Hause war, hatte ich überhaupt keine Stimme mehr. Zum Glück hat mein Magen aber nicht rebelliert. Du Ärmster! Ich hoffe, dir geht's inzwischen besser.

Wir hatten es damals umgekehrt gemacht - nach Singapore, durch Malaysia nach Thailand. Nimmst du Malaysia auch noch mit?

Sonnige (ja, du glaubst es kaum) Grüße aus Hamburg - auch herzlich von Sascha - CLAUDIA

At 28 September, 2005 14:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

das hätte ich mir aber auch nur schwer vorstellen können, dass jemand, der selbst in der heimischen küche die hälfte des essens aussortiert, nach einem fressgelage in südostasien problemlos schlafen könnte. ich hoffe, du hattest eine angenehme nacht auf dem pott. aber ich denke, nach spätestens 3 wochen hast du dich an das essen gewöhnt. ;)

At 29 September, 2005 15:43, Blogger blancdenoir said...

hey guys. i have been alright with the food the day after. i don't know what happened. the night was awesome - stayed with my pillow on my stomach until 13 o'clock next day. the evening after we went out to chinatown again was alright .)


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