going to asia
only 5 days left! which means 2 nightshifts in my case. i got my
typhus-injection and other 'drugs' with me - on wednesday my flight takes me
to bangkok. for taking as much pictures as i like to i bought the mobile
mediadrive 2060 from x-drive and set it up with a 60 gigabyte harddrive.
hopefully the weather will be fine - wish to have fun (to me).
- you can read me here!

Labels: travelling
3 write:
Ich glaub das ja wohl nicht!!??? Da läßt sich das ja wohl einer gut gehen, oh ich beneide dich. Mein Freund ist auch grad in Australien und im Dezember fahr ich nach. Wie gehts dir so? Erzähl doch mal wat du da so machst. Ich bin ja total neugierig
Shit happens, mate - shame that the puking accompanies it sometimes. Never had it in Asia, but suffered two weeks in Mexiko. Keep on blogging - we posted your - on to the wall in the office!
Cheers and salamati - Dave
hey conny! how did you got to know my website .) that's very nice to hear fro you. i guess it's abo who's transmitting that 'secret informations' to you. to answer your questions: follow the blog :))
hey dave - found you down here on this entry - maybe you wanted to go for the one from singapore. anyway nice to hear from u.
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