Monday, May 08, 2006

hurricane-festival 2006

tickets for the hurricane-festival are safe! as everybody spents their money for a favourite - mine is to enjoy one weekend of music, camping, barbecue and no showers near. i'm really looking forward to go to scheeßel with my friends in the end of june. - party on, wayne !!

Hurricane Tickets
two tickets for lars and myself - hacki will join us of course ;)


3 write:

At 13 May, 2006 00:42, Blogger muehle007 said...

coole sache würde gern als alter sack mitfahren, bruder, ber weisst ja work, work, work.
übrigens bin ich weekend in zürich bisschen party machen.
lenny wird 30
bis dann tom

At 17 May, 2006 14:26, Blogger Louise said...

hope you have a cool time at the festival

there is something similar happening in the next city (in korea) involving music, mud and alcohol...but I have to wait until July!

At 19 May, 2006 01:33, Blogger blancdenoir said...

so go ahead! as my brother wrote: he would join me by instinct - i really can recommend that you should visit a festival to get that fantastic liv/fe experience. -- and of course there will be mud, drunken people as children and loud music!
have fun in july!! cheers.


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